Efficient Ways to Keep Your Trees, Shrubs and Gardens Looking Great

A variety of WaterSmart® solutions makes irrigation effective and efficient When it comes to watering your lawn, trees, shrubs and gardens, less can be more. Being efficient with water is good for outdoor landscaping and plants along with being environmentally friendly. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, as much as 50% of the water used for outdoor irrigation is lost or wasted due to over-watering, runoff or evaporation. Plus, using less water means you’ll Read more…

Sprinkler System Maintenance – Do-it-Yourself or Hire a Pro?

As we head into summer, is your irrigation system ready to go or do you need a little help? It can be tough to know when to do-it-yourself or hire a pro. “Some sprinkler issues can be simple fixes, others are tougher tasks,” says Alexis Deasy, senior marketing communications manager at Toro. “There are a Read more…

How to Water Trees: When & How Often

Trees are the cornerstone of a happy yard. Just like any other essential part of your landscaping, however, they need to be properly cared for in order to thrive. When you learn how to water trees properly — especially multiple trees at once — you’ll find it much easier to keep your entire yard looking Read more…

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