Dethatching – Just the facts

What is Thatch? Thatch is a layer of organic matter composed of dead organic debris, roots, crowns, and stems, which forms above the soil and below the grass canopy. Is all thatch bad for your lawn? A moderate thatch layer can be beneficial for your lawn. Thatch allows beneficial macroorganisms and microorganisms to live which Read more…

What’s the Deal With Lawn Striping?

At the same time you mow, you can create everything from simple, professional stripes to an eye-catching piece of art. Lawn striping, lawnscapes, yard art, whatever you call it, it’s beautiful.  Sports venues have been adding stripes, waves, and checkerboards to their fields for years.  Now homeowners can add a professional look to their yards, Read more…

Toro “Beast” Outlasts the Others

Ernie Cashwell Topping, VA 52 years old and still going…with a bit of TLC. This machine has had a bit of rest, while two new mowers were bought, used and failed. So back to the reliable old Toro. Our son is the same age as the Toro. He said after all of the miles he Read more…

Toro Dingo: A Must Have

Glenn Rieker Mequon, WI We purchased our first Dingo in the spring of 2002. The local Toro rep had been touching base with us for a year or two prior and we just couldn’t wrap our heads around the numbers, since we were such a small company and this seemed like a large investment for Read more…

Enjoying Toro at Work and at Home

Evan Grell Marcus, IA Growing up I had an uncle that worked doing some accounting and auditing for Toro in the Twin Cities, and he said they were a good company and swore by all of their power tools that he owned. I never gave it much consideration until I got into the turf/golf course Read more…

Toro Mower Still Going Strong…After 40 Years

by Joseph Ferrelli III Winston-Salem, NC My name is Joseph Ferrelli, III, and I live in Winston-Salem North Carolina. Today, March 24, 2011, I started the lawn mowing season with the only lawn mower I have ever owned or used. In 1971, my father bought a Toro 21-inch Whirlwind mower for me to cut the Read more…

Tell us why you love your Toro…

Paul USA I didn’t buy my first Toro. I was 12 or 13 at the time and my Dad had been using a reel-type mower from the late 40’s or early 50’s. In the early 60’s he decided (since I was grass cutting age and the reel mower weighed a ton and I could not Read more…

Tale of a Terrific Toro (or two)

by Cezar Lewandowski When my wife and I bought our first home in Bloomington, MN in 1975, we needed a lawn mower and a snow thrower for the yard and driveway. I started looking in the paper for a used mower and ran across something called a “Power Handle.” The seller described a thing that Read more…

Filling Depressions and Leveling Bumps

Poor grading, uneven settling, or the decomposition of buried tree stumps, logs, or roots can cause depressions and bumps.  While you are dethatching your lawn, check for bumps and depressions.  Mark any irregularities with latex spray paint so you can find them easily when you are ready to level. Depressions Smooth slight depressions by topdressing—applying Read more…

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The tools you need to create and maintain a gorgeous yard, all in one place.