Fertilizer Guidelines

Learn the 9 basic guidelines of fertilizers, recommendations for north and south grasses and more expert lawn maintenance advice from Toro Yardcare Blog.

Is a Residential Irrigation System Worth It?

Installing an automated residential irrigation system is one of the best ways to keep your lawn and landscape beautiful and healthy by ensuring every blade of grass and every plant has the proper amount of water at the correct time. In addition to the convenience of automation, a residential irrigation system can also help minimize Read more…

How to Design a Beautiful Yard That’s Mower-Friendly

One of the good things about fall is we get to start planning our lawns and landscapes for next year. Some of us may be thinking about ways to enhance a plain lawn, while others are looking for a way to make it easier to mow around beds, features, and plantings. These design tips will Read more…

How to Grade or Regrade Your Yard and Landscape

When planting a new lawn, or if you have noticed standing water issues, take the time to fix any existing grade problems to ensure you’re mitigating any potential damage to your yard, landscape and home. While it may seem best to have a completely flat yard, you actually want a grade that slopes away from Read more…

Removing Thatch and Weeds From Lawn

The first step to lawn restoration is to remove any thatch buildup.  Thatch is un-decomposed stems and roots that accumulate near the soil surface.  Dig up a small, triangular-shaped plug of turf several inches deep.  If the spongy layer above the soil is more than ¾- to 1-inch thick when you compress it, it is Read more…

Improving the Health of Your Lawn

Let’s face it: when you live in the suburbs, a healthy, well-kept lawn is a must.  Before anyone even steps into your house, it’s your front lawn that makes the first impression of your home.  So what’s something that can help keep your lawn healthy?  Many people seem to forget about aeration.   What is Aeration? Read more…

Iron and Your Lawn with the Lawn Care Nut

Iron may be exactly what your lawn needs to deepen the color of your grass! Allyn Hane, “The Lawn Care Nut,” draws on his 15+ years of professional lawn care experience to explain how it works. The Science Behind Adding Iron to Your Lawn “Have you ever wondered how it is that some people are Read more…

Mole Eradication & Mole Prevention

Few things are more destructive to a gently rolling landscape than moles. These voracious pests dig tunnels through the ground (often at speeds of up to a foot per minute) to seek out grubs, worms, ants, and the other insects that make up the bulk of their diet. In the United States, moles are often Read more…

How to Care for a New Lawn

New grass care is relatively simple. A new lawn needs just the right amount of water and plenty of rest. It’s a good idea to plan for your watering needs before the lawn is even planted. After all, over- and under-watering are the 2 most common reasons that a new lawn fails to thrive. Between Read more…

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