
Hooverball is a medicine ball game invented by President Herbert Hoover’s personal physician to help keep then-President Hoover fit.  In general, the game is played on a volleyball-type court of grass or sand and involves throwing a heavily weighted medicine ball over the net.  Officially, in Hooverball, the medicine ball weighs about 6 lb (2.7 Read more…

What is Lawn Bowling?

Lawn bowling involves rolling slightly asymmetric balls, called bowls, close to a smaller—normally white—bowl called the “jack” or “kitty.”  Lawn bowling is usually played outdoors on grass or synthetic surfaces.  Lawning bowling, related to Bocce Ball, has been traced back to 13th century England. Lawn bowl is usually played on a large, rectangular, precisely leveled and Read more…


T-Ball, or Teeball, is a sport based on baseball and is intended as an introduction for children to develop baseball skills and have fun.  The origins of T-ball are not certain, but it is believed to date back to the 1940s or 50s. In T-Ball, the pitcher is usually used for defensive purposes only.  The Read more…

Close Only Counts in Horseshoes …

It is estimated games with Horseshoes started as early as the 2nd century.  Modern Horseshoes is an outdoor game played between two people (or two teams of two people) using four horseshoes and two throwing targets (stakes).  Players take turns tossing horseshoes at stakes in the ground, which are traditionally placed 40-feet apart.  Modern games Read more…

Ring Toss

Ring toss is a fun summer recreational activity. It is simple to play and can provide a family with hours of fun.  The Basics: Toss the ring onto the peg—sounds easy, but it is not. Each player is given 5 plastic rings to use during gameplay. The player may toss or flip the rings one Read more…

Lawn Gallery

Do you have a lawn that you’re proud of? Isn’t it time the world heard about it?

Upgrade Your Spring Garden with Drip Irrigation

If you’re installing new gardens or updating existing spaces this spring, it’s time to upgrade the way you water too. Using drip irrigation in your landscape, flower and vegetables gardens is the most efficient way to get your plants the moisture they need to thrive. What is drip irrigation? Agriculture professionals have relied on this Read more…

When is the Best Time to Water Your Lawn

Spring is here! That means it’s time to get your lawn in shape. A lush, green lawn adds to the curb appeal of your home and provides a welcoming area for outdoor activities. Establishing and keeping a healthy lawn depends on proper moisture. Knowing when to start watering your lawn in the spring can set Read more…

Mulch Grass Clippings to Boost Lawn Health

Are you on Team Mulch or Team Bag? Some homeowners think bagging clippings is more beneficial than returning them to your lawn, but recycling them could be just as beneficial, if not more so. Recycling clippings not only improves lawn health, but also may have economic and environmental benefits.  The terms “bagging”, “recycling” and “mulching” Read more…

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