How to Stripe Your Lawn with the Lawn Care Nut

Man striping lawn with palm trees in the background

Allyn Hane, “The Lawn Care Nut,” draws on his 15+ years of professional lawn care experience to show you how to get those beautiful lawn stripes!

“Have you ever been to your local baseball field and noticed the beautiful stripes, all throughout the outfield? Have you wanted those same stripes in your lawn? Well, now you can.”

The Tool to Beautiful Lawn Stripes

“This is the Toro lawn striping system. It’s essentially a roller that’s properly sized to fit any standard walk-behind mower. And once you fill that roller with sand, it’s also properly weighted to just press the grass down in the direction in which you’re mowing, and that’s what creates the stripes; the grass is pressed in a different direction and therefore reflects the sun differently to your eye. That’s why you see a light stripe versus a dark stripe just based on the angle of the sun, which brings us to the next key point here, in lawn striping and that is you’ve got to make sure to optimize the angle of the sun.”

The Angle of the Sun is Key

“You’ve got the Toro lawn striping system working for you, as you see here, but the stripes are not visible. That’s because the sun is in front of the camera. Watch when I move to the other end, now the sun is behind me and the stripes are visible. That’s because the angle of the sun has been changed. So making those stripes in the lawn is just that simple: the Toro lawn striping system to gently press the grass in different directions and then the sun behind you to reflect that light to reveal the stripes. Once you get the hang of it, you can do double-wide stripes, like you see me doing here, or you can even do curves and patterns.

For Toro, I’m Allyn Hane the Lawn Care Nut. Happy striping and I’ll see you in the lawn.”

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